Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bible Study Opportunity

We wanted you to know about a bible study opportunity for you taught by one of our mentor moms, Trish Shoemake.

The Called to be a Keeper Bible study is for all women no matter what age or stage of life. This study seeks to encourage women to understand the value of their role in light of God’s Word, to live out her priorities according to Scripture, and to help them walk in contentment and satisfaction while carrying out their calling as found in Titus 2 and Proverbs 31. It is unique because it encourages women to find creative ways to improve the management of their homes through life application skills. Some of the skills include: household management, hospitality, cooking shortcuts, and reflecting Christ in your home.

A 10 week study, Called to be a Keeper has proven to be a life-changing time of growth, learning, and relationship-building. The natural outcome of this ministry is women mentoring other women as instructed in Titus 2:3-5.

The study will be on Thursday evenings beginning September 8 from 7 to 9 p.m in the Oak Grove Baptist Church fellowship hall The cost is $16. Sorry, no childcare. Please RSVP Trish Shoemake (527-6711 or Facebook) to make sure we have plenty of books.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our Very First Fall Session is this Coming Monday, August 29 from 9am-11am at First Baptist Church

Hello Moms!!
We are thrilled that you have enrolled for our very first Fall Session with Moms 31 Ministry! The Lord has brought us 36 moms! We can hardly wait to meet you! We just wanted to remind you that our first session will be this coming Monday, August 29th from 9am-11am at First Baptist Church located at 418 E Moses. If you have children that will be attending The Little Blessings Program please park on the east parking lot of the education building and take your children in the education building to find their classes. Hostesses will be there to help direct you where to go. If you do not have children to check in to the Little Blessings Program please feel free to use the parking on the south side of the church that lines Moses street and come in the double doors by the circle drive. We will be having our sessions in the fellowship hall. Look for the balloons and they will lead the way. Come hungry for food, fun, fellowship and an encouraging word! See you Monday!